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Número total de libros encontrados: 29 para tu búsqueda. Disfruta de tu ebook!!!

Excavar: Una obra de construcción

Autor: Lisa Greathouse

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: How do architects and contractors use math and geometry to help build a house? Readers will find out in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book that features bright images and charts, informational text, and intriguing facts that will familiarize children with construction, construction equipment and materials, and blueprints.

Mohandas Gandhi

Autor: Donna Rice , William Rice

Número de Páginas: 28

Follow the life and nonviolent work of Mohandas Gandhi through his childhood in India, his education in Great Britain, and his work leading peace and equality movements in South Africa and India. This book provides significant social studies connections as well as vocabulary related to Gandhi.

El sistema digestivo (The Digestive System) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Jennifer Prior

Número de Páginas: 32

Discover the journey that your food takes through the digestive system in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Featuring vivid diagrams and photos, fresh and informative text, and stimulating facts, readers will be engaged from cover to cover.

Un día en la vida de una bailarina (A Day in the Life of a Ballet Dancer)

Autor: Diana Herweck

Número de Páginas: 28

Leap into the world of a ballet dancer! In this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book, readers learn about the history of this art form as well as what a ballet dancer does to get ready for a performance. With informational text, vibrant photographs, a sample schedule of ballet dancer's day, a look at ballet positions, and simple, clear text, readers learn about the basics of ballet and that this beautiful art form takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

El ciclo de vida del ser humano (The Human Life Cycle) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Jennifer Prior

Número de Páginas: 32

Find out what sets the human life cycle apart from other living things in this informative, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With intriguing facts, informational text, and vibrant photographs, children will be introduced to the biological phases of our life cycle--from infancy to adulthood.

Peligro en el desierto (Danger in the Desert) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Timothy J. Bradley

Número de Páginas: 64

In this adventurous Spanish-translated nonfiction title, elementary readers discover poisonous plants and dangerous animals from deserts around the world. Readers will be enthralled with its vivid images, informational text, and interesting facts about desert ecology and desert plants and animals, including sidewinder snakes, dingoes, desert locusts, and barrel cacti.

Los pastizales africanos (African Grasslands) (Spanish Version)

Autor: William B. Rice

Número de Páginas: 32

Journey to Africa to explore the world of the grasslands! Readers are taken on an adventure through the grasslands to learn about the various animal and plant life and grassland conservation in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book that features striking photographs and riveting facts. Even the most reluctant of readers will be captivated as they move from cover to cover.

Un día en la vida de un vaquero (A Day in the Life of a Cowhand)

Autor: Diana Herweck

Número de Páginas: 28

Grab your cowboy hat and saddle up! Early elementary readers learn about all the responsibilities it takes to be a cowhand ranch hand as they move through this captivating Spanish-translated, nonfiction title. Featuring plenty of vibrant photographs in conjunction with informational facts about cattle, cowboys, and rodeos, this book will have readers engaged and eager to learn more!

Extraterrestres y Energía

Autor: Agnieszka Jòzefina Biskup

Número de Páginas: 32

In cartoon format, uses aliens to explain the science of energy. Fully translated Spanish text.

La Jefa Del Mundo

Autor: Fran Manushkin , Tammie Lyon

Número de Páginas: 24

It was supposed to be a fun day at the beach, but Katie Woo is being bossy. Can she stop being bossy and have fun with her friends?

Ramón el Gruñón

Autor: Julie Gassman

Número de Páginas: 32

Cada vez que las cosan no salen como e ́l quiere, Ramo ́n se enfada mucho. Pero un di ́a, descubre la solucio ́n perfecta para dejar de ser grun~o ́n.

Qué dulce

Autor: Lisa E. Greathouse

Número de Páginas: 32

Learn the secrets to artful cupcakes, oven-fresh bread, and other delicious baked goods in this delightful nonfiction title. Readers will learn how mathematics helps bakers measure their ingredients to make tasteful treats. Featuring vibrant images and charts, informative text, and fun, intriguing facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction book will leave children fascinated by all the details that go into baking their favorite treats--like doughnuts and cookies!

¡A volar! Todo sobre aviones (Take Off! All About Airplanes) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Jennifer Prior

Número de Páginas: 28

In this exciting, Spanish-translated nonfiction book, readers learn about the Wright Brothers, the history of aviation, how air travel has changed the way people work and live, and the important parts that make the plane fly! Using informational text, vibrant photos, an interesting timeline, and intriguing facts, this book will have readers wanting to learn everything they can about airplanes!

Todo acceso: Una casa de modas (Backstage Pass: Fashion)

Autor: Lisa Greathouse

Número de Páginas: 32

Learn how a designer's sketch becomes the fashion we wear and how a designer uses math and geometry to make their designs successful in this fashion-filled book! Including information about the fashion industry, clothing fabrics, patterns, and textures, readers learn all about the different aspects of the fashion industry. With a glossary, index, vivid images, informational text, and interesting facts, this Spanish-translated nonfiction book with engage students from beginning to end.

Los invertebrados increíbles (Incredible Invertebrates) (Spanish Version)

Autor: Debra J. Housel

Número de Páginas: 28

Did you know that most animals in the world don't have backbones? Learn more about invertebrates in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Readers will learn all about mollusks, arthropods, arachnids, and crustaceans while being stimulated from cover to cover with its detailed images and charts, intriguing facts, and informative text.

El Aire

Autor: Darlene R. Stille

Número de Páginas: 24

¿Por qué se nos tapan los oídos en un elevador? ¿Qué hace que los globos de aire caliente suban al cielo? Descubre todo lo que hace el aire en este maravilloso libro.

Los Imanes

Autor: Natalie M. Rosinsky

Número de Páginas: 24

Brújulas, imanes, polos magnéticos y motores. Vívidas ilustraciones y textos sencillos exploran la asombrosa fuerza de los imanes. Cada libro tiene un glosario, actividades prácticas y fascinantes datos curiosos.

La vida en el espacio (Living in Space)

Autor: Christine Dugan

Número de Páginas: 32

Readers find out what it's like for astronauts to eat, sleep, and work on a manned space flight in this adventurous, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Children will discover what it's like to be weightless in zero gravity, how Mission control helps keep astronauts safe, and what astronauts do during their free time through vivid photographs, interesting, informative text, and stimulating facts.

La exploración del espacio (Space Exploration) 6-Pack

Autor: Christine Dugan

Número de Páginas: 32

Learn about outer space exploration, from the Hubble telescope to the latest space shuttle launches, in this delightful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Readers will learn about famous astronauts, the history of exploring space, and what the future holds for space exploration through vivid images and photographs, informative text, and intriguing facts. With a glossary and index, readers will want to learn all they can about exploring space! This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.


Autor: Jaclyn Jaycox

Número de Páginas: 32

¡Las anacondas son las serpientes ma ́s grandes del mundo! Estas enormes criaturas estrujan a sus presas hasta asfixiarlas. Algunas son tan largas como un autobu ́s y son capaces de estar bajo el agua por mucho tiempo mientras cazan. Desli ́zate por las pa ́ginas y aprende sobre estas poderosas serpientes.

De veras, Cenicienta es bien pesada!

Autor: Trisha Sue Speed Shaskan

Número de Páginas: 24

Think Cinderella was the sweetest belle of the ball? Think again! In this fun, quirky picture book, discover another perspective of this popular fairy tale. Along with bright, bold illustrations, the bestselling OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY series gives young children a fresh perspective on familiar tales. Read others in this series by acclaimed author Trisha Speed Shaskan, including TRULY, WE BOTH LOVE BEAUTY DEARLY! and HONESTLY, RED RIDING HOOD WAS ROTTEN! Fully translated Spanish text. ¿Crees que Cenicienta era la más bella del baile? ¡No es así! Este divertido libro ilustrado del famoso cuento de hadas te brindará otra perspectiva. Con ilustraciones llamativas, la exitosa serie EL OTRO LADO DEL CUENTO ofrece a los niños una nueva perspectiva de los cuentos clásicos. Descubre los otros libros de la aclamada autora, Trisha Speed Shaskan, incluyendo HONESTAMENTE, ¡CAPERUCITA ROJA ERA UNA VANIDOSA y CRÉEME, ¡RICITOS ES GENIAL!

Guerra de Granada

Autor: Alonso Palencia

Número de Páginas: 288

Este es el libro mas celebre de Alonso de Palencia, una cronica de la conquista de Granada, ultimo enclave del mundo islamico en Espana. Merece atencion la perversa astucia psicologica de Fernando de Castilla, quien estrecha lentamente el cerco en torno a Granada y no duda, en unas ocasiones, en decapitar a los moriscos defensores de las poblaciones cercanas a la ciudad mientras que, en otras oportunidades, se muestra magnanimo, perdona vidas y respeta las propiedades de estos.

Creme, Ricitos es genial!

Autor: Nancy Loewen

Número de Páginas: 24

You think you know the story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"? The tale you've heard may not be just right. This retelling of the classic story, told from Baby Bear's perspective, will convince you that Goldilocks and Baby Bear (whose real name is Sam) were actually besties! This fractured fairy tale provides a fresh perspective on a well-known tale. Fully translated Spanish text. ¿Crees que conoces el cuento de "Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos"? A lo mejor la versión que leíste no sea la correcta. En esta versión del relato clásico, contada desde el punto de vista de Bebé Oso, descubrirás que Ricitos de Oro y Bebé Oso (que en realidad se llama Sam) ¡eran grandes amigos! Esta distorsionada versión brinda una nueva perspectiva del famoso cuento.

Yasmin la Maestra

Autor: Saadia Faruqi

Número de Páginas: 32

Ms. Alex gets called away and puts Yasmin in charge! Being teacher will be a snap! But when things go wrong, Yasmin must think fast to get the class back on track before Ms. Alex gets back. Fully translated Spanish text.

No Lleves Tu Dragón a la Biblioteca

Autor: Julie Gassman

Número de Páginas: 32

Have you ever thought about bringing your dragon to the library? Don't do it! You might have the best intentions, but that dragon will cause nothing but trouble. Using rhyming text and a diverse cast of characters, this charming picture book will provide some important--and some not so important--library etiquette in a very entertaining way. Fully translated Spanish text.

Ninja-Cienta: Una Novela Gráfica

Autor: Joey Comeau

Número de Páginas: 40

La madrastra y las hermanastras maltratan a Cenicienta.Todos los di ́as la obligan a lavarles la ropa y cocinarles, mientras que ella debe vestir harapos y comer migajas. Pero en las noches, escondida entre las sombras, ¡Cenicienta se entrena para convertirse en ninja! Su suen~o es ser guardaespaldas personal del pri ́ncipe. Cuando recibe una invitacio ́n para el baile real y tiene la oportunidad de demostrarle al Pri ́ncipe lo que vale, ¡su madrastra no la deja ir! Pero esta vez, Ninja-cienta no va a aceptar un "no"...

Ballenas Azules

Autor: Mari Schuh

Número de Páginas: 32

¡Las ballenas azules son los animales ma ́s grandes que jama ́s hayan vivido en la Tierra! Pero no es fa ́cil verlas porque esta ́n escondidas en las profundidades del mar. Descubre fascinantes secretos y datos sobre estos majestuosos mami ́feros acua ́ticos.

Próspera fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna

Autor: Antonio Mira de Amescua

Número de Páginas: 72

Próspera fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna es una comedia teatral del dramaturgo Antonio Mira de Amescua. La historia se articula en torno al hijo bastardo del copero mayor del rey Enrique III y a las dificultades que encuentra para progresar en la vida hasta alcanzar el estatus que merece. Antonio Mira de Amescua es un poeta y dramaturgo español nacido en Guadix (Grandada) en 1577 y fallecido en la misma localiad en 1644. Enmarcado en el Siglo de Oro Español, su obra teatral entronca directamente con el auto sacramental, la comedia religiosa y el costumbrismo. Escribió más de sesenta obras que le valieron gran renombre, siempre desde un punto de vista cristiano y adscrito a la moral de su época.

¡El verano es divertido! (Summer Is Fun!)

Autor: Walt K. Moon

Número de Páginas: 24

Audisee® eBooks with Audio combine professional narration and text highlighting for an engaging read aloud experience! La escuela está fuera, y también lo es el sol, ¡es verano! Fotos frescas y vibrantes atraen a los jóvenes lectores a aprender acerca de esta cálida y soleada temporada. Las preguntas de pensamiento crítico y otras grandes características hacen que esta edición en español sea una excelente introducción a la lectura de no ficción para niños. School's out, and so is the sun—it's summer! Carefully leveled text and fresh, vibrant photos engage young readers in learning about this warm, sunny season. Age-appropriate critical thinking questions and other great features make this Spanish-language edition an excellent introduction to nonfiction reading for children.

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