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The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht , Kurt Weill

Número de Páginas: 153

One of Bertolt Brecht's best-loved and most performed plays, The Threepenny Opera was first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin (now the home of the Berliner Ensemble). Based on the eighteenth-century The Beggar's Opera by John Gay, the play is a satire on the bourgeois society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. With Kurt Weill's music, which was one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce the jazz idiom into the theatre, it became a popular hit throughout the western world. This new edition is published here in John Willett and Ralph Manhein's classic translation with commentary and notes by Anja Hartl.

Théâtre complet: L'opéra de quat'sous. Grandeur et décadance de la ville de Mahogonny. Le Vol au-dessus de l'océan. L'Importance d'être d'accord. Celui qui dit oui. Celui qui dit non. La Décision. Sainte Jeanne des abattoirs

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 372

L’opéra de quat’sous ; Le film de quat'sous ; Le procès de quat’sous

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Die Dreigroschenoper

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 132

Brecht zielt mit der Dreigroschenoper auf die Entlarvung der korrupten Bourgeoisie. Auf der einen Seite erscheint der Bettlerkönig Peachum als Musterbeispiel des Geschäftemachers, für den Not und Armut nichts anderes sind als Mittel zum Zweck; auf der anderen Seite entpuppt sich der skrupellose Verbrecher Mackie Messer als Prototyp sogenannter bürgerlicher Solidität. Peachum mobilisiert die Bettlermassen, organisiert eine Demonstration des Elends und droht, den Krönungszug zu stören, falls der korrupte Polizeichef Tiger-Brown sich weigern sollte, Mackie Messer zu verhaften, der Peachums Kreise störte.

La Opera de Los Tres Centavos

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 64

es una obra teatral en un prólogo y tres actos, con música de Kurt Weill y libreto en alemán de Bertolt Brecht, en colaboración con la traductora Elisabeth Hauptmann y el diseñador de escena Caspar Neher. Fue adaptada de la ópera de baladas del siglo XVIII inglés La ópera del mendigo de John Gay,2 y es una crítica marxista del mundo capitalista. Se estrenó el 31 de agosto de 1928 en Berlín en el Theater am Schiffbauerdamm con Lotte Lenya.La "pieza con música en un prólogo y ocho imágenes" fue la obra más exitosa en Alemania hasta la toma de poder del partido nazi el 30 de enero del año 1933. Brecht y Weill se vieron obligados a abandonar Alemania, pero para entonces, la obra se había traducido a 18 idiomas e interpretado más de 10.000 veces en los escenarios europeos

La ópera de cuatro cuartos. Ascensión y caída de la ciudad de Mahagonny. Vuelo sobre el océano. Pieza didáctica de Baden sobre el acuerdo. El consentidor y El disentidor

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 248

Brecht Collected Plays: 2

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 488

Published by Methuen Drama, the collected dramatic works of Bertolt Brecht are presented in the most comprehensive and authoritative editions of Brecht's plays in the English language. This second volume of Brecht's Collected Plays brings together some of his most glittering Berlin successes including The Threepenny Opera, The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, The Seven Deadly Sins, Man Equals Man and The Elephant Calf. The Threepenny Opera is the story of the mercurial beggar turned entrepeneur Peachum and his battles with the criminal Mac 'the Knife'; Mahagonny, an operatic satire on the search for an American capitalist utopia; The Seven Deadly Sins is a ballet with songs that predicts the downfall of the petty bourgeosie and was first performed as the Nazis planned their book burning exercise. Man equals Man is an exploration of the theory of equality and The Elephant Calf is a play within a play based on an Indian folk story. The translators include W H Auden and Chester Kallman, Ralph Manheim, Gerhard Nellhaus and John Willett. The translations are ideal for both study and performance. The volume is accompanied by a full introduction and notes by the series editor John ...

Brecht Collected Plays: 2

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 421

Published by Methuen Drama, the collected dramatic works of Bertolt Brecht are presented in the most comprehensive and authoritative editions of Brecht's plays in the English language. This second volume of Brecht's Collected Plays brings together some of his most glittering Berlin successes including The Threepenny Opera, The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, The Seven Deadly Sins, Man Equals Man and The Elephant Calf. The Threepenny Opera is the story of the mercurial beggar turned entrepeneur Peachum and his battles with the criminal Mac 'the Knife'; Mahagonny, an operatic satire on the search for an American capitalist utopia; The Seven Deadly Sins is a ballet with songs that predicts the downfall of the petty bourgeosie and was first performed as the Nazis planned their book burning exercise. Man equals Man is an exploration of the theory of equality and The Elephant Calf is a play within a play based on an Indian folk story. The translators include W H Auden and Chester Kallman, Ralph Manheim, Gerhard Nellhaus and John Willett. The translations are ideal for both study and performance. The volume is accompanied by a full introduction and notes by the series editor John ...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

Escritos sobre teatro

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 345

Esta selección de escritos sobre el teatro de Bertolt Brecht reúne en un volumen textos del autor surgidos principalmente en sus años de exilio, entre 1933 y 1947. En ellos Brecht discute sus teorías sobre el teatro épico, la dramática no aristotélica, sus conceptos sobre la técnica del actor, la función de la escenografía o el papel de la música en el teatro y el cine. Alejado en gran medida de la participación directa en el trabajo teatral, Brecht por un lado recuerda las innovaciones de sus grandes éxitos de la década de los veinte, por el otro intenta fijarlas teóricamente para que puedan ser transmitidas a públicos nuevos, a estudiosos futuros. Es interesante ver cómo vuelve una y otra vez a los debates de esos años eufóricos, a los montajes precursores de colegas como Reinhardt, Jessner, Piscator, Engel y otros, a la colaboración con actores, músicos y autores coetáneos como Helene Weigel, Kurt Weill o Bronnen. Brecht se había convertido después del enorme éxito de su Ópera de tres peniques, en 1928, en una de las figuras clave del teatro vanguardista de la República de Weimar, y en estos textos del exilio reflexiona sobre los éxitos, las...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

A Study Guide for Bertolt Brecht's ""The Threepenny Opera""

Autor: Cengage Learning Gale

Número de Páginas: 27

Ópera y drama

Autor: Richard Wagner

Número de Páginas: 304

Tras los acontecimientos revolucionarios que tuvieron lugar en Dresde en la primavera de 1849, Wagner se vio forzado a exiliarse en Zurich. En esta ciudad suiza, entre los meses de octubre de 1850 y enero de 1851 , llevó a cabo la redacción de la que está considerada como la obra clave de su pensamiento teórico-musical: Ópera y drama. A lo largo de las tres partes en que se articula, el genial alemán lleva a cabo una sopesada exposición de las ideas que, a su juicio, debían sostener cualquier creación operística que realmente se considerase tal: la unión íntima de texto y melodía; el problema de las arias como elementos de distorsión de la unidad del discurso musical; la importancia de los motivos musicales a la hora de dotar de coherencia y sentido pleno a la obra... Testimonio de la importancia que concedía Wagner a este texto, en el que no escatima ataques a la producción contemporánea, encarnada especialmente en la figura de Meyerbeer, son las palabras con las que, tras concluirlo, se lo presentó a Theodor Uhlig: «Aquí tienes mi testamento, ahora puedo morir». Obra fundamental para entender en su justa medida el significado y la transcendencia del drama...

Maravilla de la ópera

Autor: Jens Malte Fischer

Número de Páginas: 270

Maravilla de la Ópera es un libro -dedicado al gran cantante Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau- formado por catorce ensayos relacionados entre sí acerca de la fascinación de ese género musical sobre un público variado y numeroso. Jens Malte Fischer une a un riguroso y ameno análisis musical una atención especial a los factores no sólo estéticos, sino históricos, culturales y sociales de las diversas obras estudiadas. Los autores pertenecen a épocas muy diversas, que van desde finales del siglo xviii hasta el tiempo presente: Cherubini, Berlioz, Wagner, Verdi, Antonin Dvorak, Meyerbeer, Richard Strauss, Albéric Magnard, Kurt Weill, Ferruccio Busoni y Wolfgang Rihm. Compositores de una importancia capital en la Historia de la Música y también otros menos conocidos pero cuya personalidad reivindica el autor con una admirable riqueza de argumentos.

Guía universal de la ópera

Autor: Roger Alier

Número de Páginas: 1050

This study of the opera genre explores the biographies of famous composers as well as the characters, literary origins, overall message, discography, and outstanding musical numbers of each opera. Este estudio del género de la ópera explora las biografías de los compositores famosos además de los personajes, orígenes literarios, argumento total, discografía y números musicales sobresalientes de cada ópera.

Mother Courage and Her Children

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 137

This new Student Edition, featuring the classic John Willett translation of the play, includes an introduction by Katherine Hollander, which explores the following: * Contexts (Thirty Years War, 1618-1648; World War II and exile; sources; influential figures such as Brecht, Margarete Steffin, Helene Weigel and Karin Michaelis) * Themes (war; nature; capitalism) * Dramatic devices (epic theatre) * Production history and critical reception * Academic debate (Marxist, feminist and postmodernist) * Further study Widely regarded as Brecht's best work, Mother Courage and her Children was written in 1938-9 and received its premiere in Zurich in 1941. Mother Courage - a canteen woman serving with the Swedish Army during the Thirty Years War (1618-48) - follows the armies, selling provisions and liquor to the troops. Both her sons die in the war and her dumb daughter, Kattrin, is mortally wounded as she beats a drum to warn the town of Halle of an impending attack. Yet, all the while, Mother Courage continues her travels with her wagon, indomitably businesslike, calculating how she can make material profit from the war and turn conflict into capital.

Introducción a Brecht

Autor: Garry Thomson

Número de Páginas: 388

Los ensayos recogidos en este libro, escritos desde distintas perspectivas críticas (del psicoanálisis a la semiótica, de la estilística a la teoría de discursos), constituyen un estudio introductorio a la figura y la obra de Bertolt Brecht, un clásico del siglo xx. El conjunto de artículos se inicia con dos trabajos sobre la Alemania pre-hitleriana y un riguroso panorama del contexto histórico en el que vivió el escritor alemán. Los grandes textos teatrales de Brecht, Madre Coraje y sus hijos, Vida de Galileo o La ópera de cuatro cuartos, así como su poesía, son minuciosamente analizados estableciendo interpretaciones originales, y aportando numerosos datos de carácter documental. También se estudia la práctica de Brecht en el Berliner Ensemble, sus escritos teóricos y los conceptos fundamentales que articuló en su teatro: gestus, extrañamiento, epicidad. y además el trabajo musical que realizó con diferentes compositores, como Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler o Paul Dessau, sus diseños escénicos y su relación con escenógrafos como Caspar Neher, la teoría y la práctica de la interpretación actoral en su obra y la influencia que su escritura y su pensamiento...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

The Threepenny Opera

Autor: Bertolt Brecht

Número de Páginas: 0

Based on John Gay's eighteenth century Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera, first staged in 1928 at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin, is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho. It focuses on the feud between Macheaf - an amoral criminal - and his father in law, a racketeer who controls and exploits London's beggars and is intent on having Macheaf hanged. Despite the resistance by Macheaf's friend the Chief of Police, Macheaf is eventually condemned to hang until in a comic reversal the queen pardons him and grants him a title and land. With Kurt Weill's unforgettable music - one of the earliest and most successful attempts to introduce jazz to the theatre - it became a popular hit throughout the western world. Published in Methuen Drama's Modern Classics series in a trusted translation by Ralph Manheim and John Willett, this edition features extensive notes and commentary including an introduction to the play, Brecht's own notes on the play, a full appendix of textual variants, a note by composer Kurt Weill, a transcript of a discussion about the play between Brecht and a theatre director, plus...

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