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The Standard for Risk Management in Portfolios, Programs, and Projects (SPANISH)

Autor: Project Management Institute Project Management Institute

Número de Páginas: 175

This is an update and expansion upon PMI's popular reference, The Practice Standard for Project Risk Management. Risk Management addresses the fact that certain events or conditions may occur with impacts on project, program, and portfolio objectives. This standard will: identify the core principles for risk management; describe the fundamentals of risk management and the environment within which it is carried out; define the risk management life cycle; and apply risk management principles to the portfolio, program, and project domains within the context of an enterprise risk management approach It is primarily written for portfolio, program, and project managers, but is a useful tool for leaders and business consumers of risk management, and other stakeholders.

Nongovernmental Organizations in World Bank-supported Projects

Autor: Christopher J. N. Gibbs , Thomas Kuby , Claudia Fumo

Número de Páginas: 66

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are important to the Bank because of the skills and resources they bring to emergency relief and development activities. In addition, they foster participation in the development process. The strength of the World Bank's collaboration with NGOs has grown since the late 1980s. In recognition of the added value that NGOs bring to Bank-supported projects, there have been intense efforts to include them. However, this report identifies a gap between promise and performance. The report concludes that the Bank's guidelines on working with NGOs are sound but that existing guidelines need to be used more effectively. The report makes recommendations to improve these partnerships and increase their benefit to development projects. It is written in English, French, and Spanish.

1st World Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry

Autor: Spyros Kyritsis

Número de Páginas: 2135

The 1st World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy and Industry, held in Sevilla in June 2000, brought together for the first time the traditional European Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry and the Biomass Conference of the Americas, thus creating the largest and most outstanding event in the worldwide biomass sector. The conference elaborated innovative global strategies, projects and efficient practice rules for energy and the environment at a key stage in the industry's development. New concepts and projects were highlighted to increase the social and political awareness for a change in worldwide resource consumption and to promote economically, socially and environmentally sustainable development for the next millennium. In 2 volumes, the Proceedings include some 470 papers essential to an understanding of current thinking, practice, research and global developments in the biomass sector - a vital reference source for researchers, manufacturers, and policy makers involved or interested in the use of biomass for energy and industry.

Displaced Persons in El Salvador

Autor: United States. Agency for International Development. Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. Assessment Team

Número de Páginas: 228

Includes statistics.

Report on Surveys, Research Projects, Investigations and Other Organized Fact-gathering Activities of the Government of Puerto Rico

Autor: Puerto Rico. Bureau of the Budget

Independent Evaluation of IFC's Development Results 2009

Número de Páginas: 123

"This report was prepared by a team led by Daniel Crabtree"--P. xi.

FAO/UNDP (SF) Projects - Reports and Documents; Index

Autor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Documentation Center

Environmental Quality and River Basin Development

Autor: Organization of American States. Program of Regional Development , Argentina

Número de Páginas: 107

Index, FAO/UNDP (SF) Projects - Reports and Documents

Autor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Documentation Center

Hacia Un Planteamiento Unificado Para Inventariar Y Monitorear Los Recursos de Los Ecosistemas Forestales

Número de Páginas: 533

Zambia Country Assistance Review

Autor: Gladstone G. Bonnick

Número de Páginas: 152

This book draws on country case studies to focus on the environmental implications of economywide policy reforms undertaken at the sectoral or macroeconomic level. Although the emphasis is upon economic policies, other noneconomic measures are also relevant, such as social, institutional, and legal actions. The main feature of most policy reforms directed at various levels of economic decisionmaking are price changes designed to promote efficiency and reduce waste. This report reinforces the view that policies that address price-related distortions can contribute to both economic and environmental goals (win-win policy reforms). A recurring theme in the case studies is that the potential for achieving parallel gains in conventional economic, social, and environmental goals is often present when economywide reforms attempt to improve macroeconomic stability, increase efficiency, and alleviate poverty. However, in important cases these potential gains cannot be realized unless complementary environmental and social measures are carried out. Of related interest: The Greening of Economic Policy Reform: Volume I: Principles (ISBN 0-8213-3477-8) Stock no. 13477; Volume II: Case Studies...

Ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y en diferencias finitas

Autor: Josep Maria Franquet i Bernis

Número de Páginas: 748

El libro que ahora presentamos está adaptado esencialmente a los programas oficiales correspondientes a un curso cuatrimestral (o incluso anual) de las Facultades de Ciencias, Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Economía de nuestras Universidades, por lo que se refiere al estudio y resolución de las ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias y en diferencias finitas o recurrentes, ambas de provechosas aplicaciones en los campos reseñados. Cada capítulo viene precedido por una serie de conocimientos teóricos, relativamente escuetos, que, a modo de recordatorio, proporcionan al lector una referencia sucinta de todos aquellos conceptos, definiciones, proposiciones, lemas, teoremas, demostraciones, formulaciones y demás elementos teóricos indispensables -aunque no siempre suficientes- para la correcta resolución de los ejercicios prácticos que se proponen y resuelven a continuación de los epígrafes. Con ello, el lector podrá comprobar, de forma inmediata, que una parte considerable de los ejercicios posee un elevado nivel de detalle en su desarrollo resolutivo, pretendiéndose con ello patentizar la necesaria relación existente entre éstos y los conocimientos teóricos aludidos,...


Autor: Gianni Zanini

Número de Páginas: 57

Annotation Examines World Bank assistance to the Philippines since 1986, a turning point in that country's economic and social policy landscape.

Children's Environmental Health

Autor: United States. Good Neighbor Environmental Board

Número de Páginas: 78

XVI Congreso Panamericano de Ferrocarriles

Autor: Pan American Railway Congress Association. Congress

Número de Páginas: 817

Achievements and challenges of trade capacity building: a practitioner's analysis of the CAFTA process and its lessons for the multilateral system (Occasional Paper ITD = Documento de Divulgación ITD; n. 32)

Número de Páginas: 44

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