Cuba: La Habana y los Cubanos
Autor: Julio E. Ulloa
Número de Páginas: 354Cuba: La Habana y los Cubanos By: Julio E. Ulloa About the Book The discovery of the Americas is considered by most reputable historians, biologists, and anthropologists as a significant event that brought profound ecological, cultural, and economic changes and transformed the modern world. During the Post Columbian period, the encounters between the Old and the New World relied on winds and sea currents that determined the best routes for the ships to sail across the oceans. Cuba, a small Caribbean Island named by its discoverer Isabela as a tribute to Spain's revered queen, was favored by a unique geographical location that brought many of the ships to its beautiful shores. In their wake, the Cubans were influenced by the traditions, myths, customs, and religions of the very diverse, and, at times, colliding cultures of the personages that disembarked on this beautiful Island. This exposure to international visitors and immigrants had a mysterious, elegant, entertaining, sensual, and, at times, scandalous impact, that over the years spawned the surprisingly rich folklore and the unique culture that is elegantly described in rich detail in Julio E. Ulloa's thoughtful, compelling, ...