Qué puedes esperar cuando estás esperando
Autor: Heidi Murkoff
Número de Páginas: 1592
America’s pregnancy bible, newly revised. With over 21 million copies sold, it remains the most trusted resource for those with babies on the way. Full of essential data, practical and easy-to-follow advice, realistic insight, and a great deal of reassuring information, this essential guide presents the latest about prenatal screenings, which medications are safe, and the most current birthing options. Your pregnancy lifestyle gets equal attention, too: diet, coffee drinking, exercise, work, sex, travel, beauty, skin care and more. Have pregnancy symptoms? You will—and you’ll find answers for them all. Expecting multiples? There is a chapter for you. Expecting to become a dad? This book has you covered, too. With hundreds of questions answered—"How can I eat for two if I’m too queasy to eat for one?,” “Can I work until I deliver? What are my rights on the job?,” and “Should we do a gender reveal? What about a 4-D ultrasound?”—this is the one-stop-shop you’ve been looking for. La Biblia del Embarazo en las Américas, completamente nuevo y revisado. Con más de 21 millones de ejemplares vendidos, sigue siendo el recurso más confiable para quienes tienen...